Manage Jobs With Magento Plugins

Benefits of online business are very obvious to almost everyone. Internet is not just about selling products online, many other services are being utilized by using it. One such example is Human Resource services. Online job posting, resume management and online hiring are very common now. Even telephonic interviews by using internet are conducted instead of personal interviews. Therefore the market for products serving these needs is rich and growing faster.

Magento as an eCommerce platform serves the need of every business that is running online. It has a rich market scattered with dozens of products for each business type. We are concerned now with Magento Plugin providing solutions for Human resources and we find Open Jobs Manager a great utility because of its features.

This Magento Extension provides 6 smart configuration sections to manage your jobs. You can define job types, their locations, departments and much more. Each job has a section from where you will be able to manage applications received against it. This section provides required information for applicants like Name, Email, Application date, Phone and resume. Also another wonderful feature without which an application is considered to be incomplete has been provided and that is social integration. You can now publish any job to Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in.


Create, edit, enable/disable Job type, location, departments
SEO friendly URL for Job’s detail page
Set Meta title, meta keywords and meta description for each job’s detail page
View applicants from Job’s edit page
Download CV and view details of applicant right from jobs management section
Post job to your FaceBook wall from Job’s edit page
Tweet Job on twitter from job’s edit page
Share Job on LinkedIn from Jobs edit page
View applicants count on Jobs grid
Job listing page image can be set from configuration
Can change the label of Jobs in top links and bottom links
URL suffix can be configured from system configuration
Can configure the number of jobs to display per page
Can Filter jobs by location
Can Order jobs by Department, date etc.
Quickly apply for a job from a dropdown menu…