There is little question that anger can be a strong motivator, pushing one to great lengths. Certainly one can achieve admirable goals while motivated by an inner rage. Some of the most famous people in the world have been motivated by a personal fury. But I would not classify such people as successful. I was once angry at the world for all the chaos, turmoil, hatred and crime that I observed. It was easy to remain that way for years, but I came to learn the truth about being motivated by anger.
Perhaps anger is good for the professional athlete; as far as physical exertion and athletic accomplishment are concerned, anger could be positive to a large extent. But winning the sports game is not the same as the lifelong success game.
There are lessons to be learned from being angry. Rage or fury is very often used as a substitute for confidence, or perhaps a replacement for insecurity or fear. But ultimately anger is a false motivator; although it can bring about some level of achievement, anger clouds judgment and skews perception. Anger makes one totally subjective and does not allow for the possibility of objectivity. Therefore, any goal achieved at the hand of anger, is not a success to be enjoyed in the long term. One cannot truly enjoy anything if angry.
A strong Abundant Life Coach will suggest that mental Preparation (having our emotional house in order) is a necessary step within sustained success. But like all mental/emotional barriers, we must realize and accept its existence in order to eliminate. Illumination leads to elimination. Anger is an enemy of love and therefore an enemy of success in life. To overcome anger is to remove one obstacle from a pathway to success.