Tag: TV

A comprehensive guide to select among Business Management dissertations topics

Stress, depression & lack of focus, these are the most encountered problems faced by a common student, when he has to select a topic to write a dissertation, and specially when he has to choose among business management dissertations topics.

It’s true that selecting a management dissertation topic and working on it is a difficult task, but only for them who don’t have proper guidance & strong planning. I am sure you don’t want to be one of them; this is the reason why I decided to write this article, in which I’m going to provide you both the guidance and the planning strategy that will eventually help you selecting the right business management dissertations topic.

You should follow 3 easy ways to select a management dissertation topic, which are:

1. Choosing the right area of management dissertation topics

It’s the most important part and it has to contract with your interests, so you can comfortably work on it from start to finish. To do so, gather data/information from different sources of medium such as TV, Radio, Internet, etc. As I see, Internet is the most valuable resource in today’s age and you should not overlook the benefits of it, as you can gather an ocean of information from it by using different blogs, websites and groups.

Here I am including a list of business management dissertation topics which are moldable according to your need and which will definitely give you an idea of what you want to write about:

i. Advertising Issues ii. Business Ethics Human Resource Issues iii. International Business iv. Management Theory v. Management And Business vi. Consumer Behavior vii. Marketing Case Studies viii. Business Plans

I’m sure one of the above topics will click you to pursue your goals, but make sure to be unique and innovative because dissertation writing is all about bringing new ideas & conclusions to the table.

2. Noting down the ideas instantly

By noting down the ideas which click you anytime, by any source of medium such as: TV, radio, internet, books etc; you will get a clear picture in your mind about what you want to do. TV & internet are the best sources which send flashing ideas to your mind. So you should grab them as they come.

Apart from the electronic media, books play a very vital role in gathering important information. There is a vast range of books available in the market which you can get, and go through them so you can get ideas about business & management dissertation topics.

3. Discussing the topic with your advisor

Your advisor is the one who gives you guidelines and keep a check on what you are doing with your project. He also plays a valued role in encouraging you that boosts up your confidence & makes you give your best. So consultation with your advisor is very important when you are writing your dissertation & without it you will have no clue where you are going.


In this article I briefly explained you about management dissertations topics which will certainly help you in choosing the right path and that path will lead you to the destination you dream of.

Martial Arts Businesshow To Sell Without Selling Out

Many martial arts instructors feel that there is a conflict between their values and doing what it takes to succeed. For many, the idea of martial arts marketing borders on prostituting their art. For others, it seems like the methods of successful marketing are contrary to their artistic sensibilities.
You were taught to be humble, but it seems that advertising is all about bragging. It doesnt have to be this way.

Is Your Marketing Intimidating or Inviting?

One of the main misunderstandings about marketing that many people have is that its all about selling. Youve seen the shameless self-promotions of the big business dojos. The full page ads in the phonebook, the coupon slips in the newspaper, the TV ads and the web sites are nothing short of disgraceful.

Look at their ads with the eye of a would-be customer. Most parents will approach a school with some timidity. Take that mindset and look at the looming, surly and hulkish image of the instructor. See the large classes in their video ads. Look at the students breaking five boards in mid air. As a parent of a 7 year old girl thats scary, isnt it?

Martial Arts Marketing Says That Youre Available

Theres an old saying in martial arts and mystical circles: When the student is ready, the master will come. While on a mystical level this is an instruction for students to open themselves up to learning, it also has a pragmatic application for teachers. You, as the master in question, have to put the word out that you are available to teach.

How many students out there are ready and waiting for a master? What if the master that appears to them in a Google search is you? Naturally, they will gravitate to you for instruction.

Martial Arts Marketing Doesnt Have to Be Gaudy

The myth is that effective martial arts marketing has to be big, flashy and intense. Not only is this idea in conflict with martial arts principles, its in conflict with marketing in general. With that in mind, theres nothing keeping you from using the resources you have available to market your school. Your flyers, brochures, web site, etc. can be as low key as you like.

Your counterpoint probably shouldnt be completely Zen, but it can definitely be morenormal. Go ahead and display some fighting skills, but dont make the soundtrack be heavy metal. Emphasize the values your students will learn. Show the benefits of your program. Any student you would want is after these lessons anyway.

Sticking to your principles in your advertising shows your integrity more than using archaic marketing strategies. In this market swamped with corporate sell outs, you would stand out simply because you dont play their game.
With the right martial arts management consultant, you can learn everything you need to know to make your school a success without compromising your values.

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